Chakra Series Blog Sahasrara
Hello and welcome to our final blog of the Chakra Series Blog!
I must say, I love that this final chakra in this series, “Sahasrara” is coming to you in the same week that started off with the amazingly powerful New Moon Eclipse in Aries! A portal of powerful manifestation energies that could potentially launch you into the exact future you’ve been dreaming of! And this is in the same realm as Sahasrara, the Crown Chakra!
I’m excited about sharing what I know about this chakra and what it brings to those who work with it! But first, let’s talk a little about consciousness, manifestation, and where we’ve been so far.
Imagine yourself as a flower…a lotus. Your torso is the stem, your legs and feet are your roots, you could even imagine your roots extending down into the depths of the Earth.
Your roots, Muladhara, are nourished by the waters of Svadhisthana and the flames from Manipura rise up into the air in Anahata, vibrating with sound in Vishuddha and light in Ajna. All of this energy bursts upward, blooming as a beautiful iridescent, thousand petaled lotus flower from the crown of your head, Sahasrara, and at the center of the flower is your personal point of awareness that connects you to Divine Wisdom without separation.
To go beyond just knowing about this awareness and into being this awareness is realization.
The Crown Chakra represents the consciousness that operates all of the other chakras. Only one's consciousness has the ability to see, speak, love, do, feel and live in the manifested world.
The goal of working with the Crown Chakra is to free the consciousness from its distractions and experience the expansive nature of freedom, or Moksha (liberation).
“ Self-realization is the knowing in all parts of body, mind, and soul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God.”
~ Paramahansa Yogananda
We all have glimpses of clarity and enlightenment.
Imagine you are trapped in an empty yard surrounded by block walls. On the other side is Divine Wisdom…freedom. We want to see this freedom so we jump up to get a momentary glimpse but we land back down on the ground. We jump again, and again, and again, only getting a short glimpse each time. It’s beautiful and we want it.
Some get tired and stop jumping, it’s too hard and we just keep landing back down. There are so many reasons as to why we give up and try to just make do living in the confinement of unconscious manifestation the best we can.
Others find a better solution and build a tool to see over the wall, to get a longer view of the beauty of freedom on the other side. To get longer experiences of Divine Wisdom.
In this metaphor, the wall seems real. It appears to block us from liberation, from freedom, but it is just an illusion of distractions that keep us from reaching the freedom we seek. There are many practices that we can use as tools to dissolve the distractions and get closer to experiencing Moksha. Yoga and meditation are just two of them.
For most of us, it’s only this glimpse, these “aha” moments, then much like the descent of the jump, consciousness descends back down into manifestation. But from the longer views, an awakening begins.
Then as the consciousness descends down, it condenses through the chakras into various qualities of manifestation in and around us.
Manifestation begins in the consciousness with an idea or a vision in Ajna, we then talk about it with Vishuddha, form a relationship with it in Anahata, give it energy with Manipura, nurture it with Svadhisthana and finally manifest it on the physical plane with Muladhara.
As you dissolve the wall (distractions), you then begin to notice your world changing, expanding, responding to your ideas and visions.
If this all sounds like Greek to you, perhaps you missed reading one or many of the previous blogs in this series. Please head over to my website under the “Blog” tab and you’ll find all the past blogs in this series.
Now let’s see if we can straighten our crowns with the information below! 👑
Sahasrara is
The 7th chakra up from the bottom.
Located at the top of the head, some believe it’s a few inches above the head.
Represented by the color purple or iridescent.
Shown having many, many petals. It is referred to as “The Thousand Petaled Lotus”
Supported by the seed sound os a silent OM -or- AUM
Associated with the metal Gold and the planet Uranus
Related to the element of thought
Emotionally connected to harmony and cosmic Love.
Tied to the sense of thinking
The chakras are associated with different body parts and organs and sometimes share these parts with other chakras. Sahasrara is associated with:
Pituitary Gland
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Central Nervous System
This chakra corresponds to your:
Spiritual Connection
Wisdom and mastery
Ability to assimilate and analyze information
Ability to question
Here are a few ways that an imbalanced (excessive and deficient) Sahasrara chakra presents in both physical and emotional symptoms:
Frequent confusion
Disconnection from Spirit
Excessive attachments
Spiritual addiction
Dissociation from the body
Living in your head
Learning difficulties
Rigid belief system
Spiritual cynicism
There are many ways to work with healing, balancing, and supporting the chakras. You can use these for Sahasrara:
Color therapy ~ Purple or iridescent
Crystal therapy ~ Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond
Affirmation ~ I know that I am Divinely connected and protected.
Movement ~ Meditative walking and/or running, mindful inversions
Meditation ~ Japa meditation
Sound Therapy ~ 963 Hz frequencies, tuning forks, singing bowls
Foods ~ Purple and/or white foods, clear liquids
Silently Chanting the seed sound OM / AUM
Take a peek around my website to see my offerings and book a Clarity Call to learn more about yourself. Self knowledge is self empowerment!
Thank you for being here, thank you for being a loyal WEHS Blog reader!
And thank you for coming along with me on this journey through the Chakras!
I would love to hear from you about other topics that you are interested in hearing about! Choose any of my areas of specialty from the list below and I will happily provide another series of blog posts for you! I like this “series” idea!
Holistic nutrition
Solfeggio Frequencies / Sound Healing
Self Empowerment
Starseed Souls