Transformational Lifestyle

To help you create the life you crave.

1:1 Lifestyle & Cannabis Coaching for middle-aged women craving a clearer, healthier, more adventurous experience of life.

Is your current situation living up to your dreams?

You, now…

  • You’re an open-minded, woman aged 40-60, never married or divorced mother whose kids are grown and gone. You’re feeling a little lonely and lost, seeking a new spark to life.

  • You’ve worked hard all of your life, providing for others and putting your dreams and desires on the back burner, wondering what the next stage of your life could be like.

  • You’re frustrated from trying diet after diet and nothing seems to keep the pounds from accumulating. You can’t stand looking at your naked self in a full-length mirror.

  • You wake up in the night kicking the covers off and can’t get back to sleep, leaving you exhausted during the day.

  • You just want to scream at every dumb-ass you come in contact with. 

  • You are fed up, bored of the same old routine, and dreaming of a better life.

  • You’ve tried every method you know to get happy, fit, and rested and nothing has worked.

You, after working with me…

  • You know how to safely and creatively shake off your frustrations in a healthy way. Besides, realizing how much time and energy was wasted on thinking of what you coulda, shoulda, woulda said to someone who pissed you off.

  • Your whole outlook on life has shifted to joy and adventure and you have the energy to spare!

  • You are working towards your future goals of how you want your life to be and have already crushed quite a few of them!

  • You are excited to finally have time to take good care of yourself and you’re meeting fun, new, like-minded friends.

  • You are feeling good about your body and how you look in that new swimsuit you just purchased for yourself to wear on vacation.

  • You’re falling asleep faster and staying asleep longer, never minding the hot flashes.

  • You notice out of the blue that some people's ignorance doesn’t rub you the wrong way anymore. 

How working with me can help you reach your goals

My individualized, 8-week 1:1 Lifestyle Coaching Program is unlike any other.

In this program, I offer:

  • Sacred space held just for you ~ Our time together is designed to give you a sense of safety and connection, allowing you to open up to the power of the energy source and creativity within you, knowing that your issues and challenges are being heard in complete confidentiality.

  • A synergistic approach to healing using Cannabis, holistic methods, and modalities ~ Inviting you to create lasting and loving change to body, mind, and soul so this next stage of your life is an experience of graceful and intentional living.

  • Straightforward teaching methods of moving your body through physical Yoga practice ~  Helping you to feel comfortable walking into any Yoga class, knowing what you’re doing and how to support your body during the practice.

  • Teaching you how to create healthy habit change ~ Giving you a new, refreshing view on your relationship with food so you feel confident in purchasing and preparing meals tailored to your tastes and supporting your hormonal changes.

  • Comprehensive education and coaching using cannabis as medicine ~ Helping you bring balance to your body and mind, opening you up to a whole new creative view of life.

  • Yoga Nidra Guided Meditation ~ Creating sessions to suit your needs so you can live each day in peace, love, and gratitude. Experiencing a deeper connection to yourself and the Universe.

“Living the life that cries to be lived from the depth of our being frees up a lot of energy and vitality. The juices flow. We benefit and everyone around us benefits from the aliveness that we feel.”

~Deborah Adele