Discover your Divine Nature
Experience Joy as You Create Your Life!
express yourself!
Increase your Life Force Energy
Feel rested and energetic daily
Revel in clarity and peace of mind
Have confidence in yourself to create a life you love
Love every unique aspect of yourself
Leave the effects of trauma in the past
Go beyond…
Feeling anger and frustration when situations don’t play out the way you would like them too.
Experiencing energy drains and exhaustion throughout the day.
Unhappiness and uncertainty in your current experience of life.
Disappointment with your not-so-perfect traits.
Having an unsupportive or unhealthy relationship with emotion.
And experience…
Becoming more aware of how you choose to handle stressful situations, and knowing how to express your needs and desires in a healthy and empowering way.
Feeling energetically balanced throughout your day so you can accomplish tasks efficiently.
Feeling happy and confident, knowing that you are creating a life full of experiences that you want.
Loving your self-image and feeling more beautiful, empowered and confident than ever before.
Knowing you are not your thoughts and emotions, but something greater and more powerful than you ever imagined.
2 paths to a peaceful life
Synergistic Soul Coaching
Synergistic Soul Coaching is designed to empower you with consciousness of the blocks and restrictions that are keeping you from creating the life you want to live through a combination of Soul Realignment® and I AM Yoga Nidra™.
Discover your Divine Nature, the energetic make up of your Soul, then start making new choices that align with your energies for powerfully creating the life you dream of.
After working together, you will have experience creating powerful intentions and using them in meditation and in waking life. We will have cleared your Akashic Record of blocks and restrictions and *you will be able to move forward with making new empowering and creative choices.
This is a 12 week program
Yoga Nidra Coaching
Yoga Nidra is a deep-sleep-based guided meditation that uses a series of body and breath awareness techniques to disconnect from the thinking mind and reconnect to the energy body.
*This practice uses intention (Sankalpa) to create positive shifts in waking life.
When working 1:1 together with Yoga Nidra Coaching, we discover what is triggering a state of unease for you then create a simple intention for how you DO want to feel that is used during this guided meditation to allow the subconscious mind to release attachment to the thoughts and emotions that are causing these triggers.
After a consistent practice of regularly scheduled sessions for healing, you will have a library of recordings to listen to weekly for maintaining this state of mental and emotional balance.
This is a 12 week program.
If you want to experience:
More energy and peace of mind
Renewed self-esteem and a sense of purpose
Comfort in your body and emotions
Confidence in your future path
You’ll need:
An open mind, a willingness to try an approach you haven't tried yet, and patience in dialing in these methods.
You can experience freedom if are willing to embrace change.
You CAN experience BLISS, and I can help you get there!
You’re experiencing anxiety, stress, fear or anger.
But you don’t have to be miserable!
Life doesn’t have to be an experience of wishing it was different.
You don’t have to feel angry, scared, or get triggered by your trauma.
You are the creator of your life experience.
Through the alternative healing practices, you can open yourself up to new possibilities, new experiences and a new path.
Anything is possible at any age!
By nurturing your true desires, taking time to listen to your higher guidance for creativity and changing your perspective on action and results you too, can create the life you desire.
Hi, I’m Rose.
I’m a Certified Holistic Healing Arts Specialist and Synergistic Soul Coach to women who seek to release their childhood trauma and negative karmic patterns. Women searching for their life purpose and their own higher truth.
I work with women who are experiencing lack of clarity in life, fear of the unknown, low self-esteem, lack of trust, symptoms of trauma and PTSD and a strong desire for change.
Women who are tired of feeling uncertain about what steps to take to make a big change in their life and are looking for guidance from someone who’s been in their shoes.
I help women discover their past-life negative choices that led to negative karmic patterns that are effecting their ability to create their lives today through Soul Realignment®.
I guide them in making new positive choices that are in alignment with their Divine Soul Blueprint and getting creative with those choices moving forward.
To lift the veil of maya (illusion) for women who seek greater meaning to life. To guide them on the greatest journey of redesigning their lives by discovering their past-life patterns that are perpetuating today. To heal from their karmic past and learn how to love and trust themselves to take right action forward in their Soul’s journey so they can express their Divinity and live the life they were born to live.
Mission & Vision
A world where all women are exalted and loved for their authenticity, fearlessness, gifts and graces. A safe and balanced world where all women are cherished for creatively and courageously living their full potential while lifting each other up with open arms and open hearts.
Live your divinity
When we work together, I give you a choice to choose my services that feel right to you.
If you are open to looking into your past-lives, I look into your Akashic Records to see where the choices you’ve made in past-lives created negative karmic patterns that are perpetuating struggle and challenges in your life today.
I then clear the blocks and restrictions that are keeping you from receiving Life Force Energy and expressing your Divine Nature.
It’s about showing up as your unique self and attracting all the good things you want for yourself. Discovering your authentic self and living from that mental and energetic state can be the most liberating and rewarding experience of all. It allows you to claim your life back.
It’s about growing and evolving, creating a peaceful and prosperous life for yourself through making positive choices that align with your Soul’s energetic make-up.
A strong desire for changing your life and a commitment to making choices that may seem out of your comfort zone are required for your desired change and working with me.
This allows you to stay more focused on the experiences that you want to attract into your life rather than mindlessly going through the motions each day and letting your emotions drive your experiences.
It’s about being able to face life’s challenges head-on with grace and confidence, knowing you will come out as the winner.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.