Chakra Series Blog Anahata

Greetings! What a beautiful day to get to the heart of the matter! Haha did you see what I did there? 😉❤️

Really though, welcome to this episode of the Women’s Empowered Health Solutions Blog!  We are in the center of the Chakra Series…literally.

We have arrived at Anahata ~ Heart Chakra 💚

I know, being a chakra enthusiast, teacher, and informant, I should probably be equally enthusiastic about all the chakras evenly, but I’m not going to ‘should’ on myself and just state here that this is my favorite chakra.

Why? Because this special spinning vortex of energy is the midway point between the physical and the spiritual of the 7 most commonly known chakras in the human body. 

It’s a metaphorical bridge between our physical and spiritual worlds.

And what’s really special about this chakra is that it is associated with the heart which is the strongest source of our bio-electrical energy and this energy can radiate 3-4 feet outside of the body in a 360 degree field! WOW! 

Have you ever been in close proximity to a person and just felt pure love emanating from them? I know I have, and it’s always been with someone of pure intentions and commitment to being in service to others. 

So let’s dive a little deeper into this chakra and find out other ways that make it so special and how to work with balancing it.

Anahata is:

  • The 4th one up and the 4th one down. The bridge between manifest and spirit.

  • Located in the center of the chest. Some say it's 3” outside of the back of the spine.

  • The color emerald green

  • Shown having 12 petals (the expression of it’s vibratory frequency)

  • Associated with the seed sound YAM (the A sounds like “uh” in Sanskrit like when you say yog’uh’ 

  • Develops between 4-7 years old

  • Associated with copper

  • Related to the element Air

  • Ruled by the breath

“Working with the breath is a powerful way to cleanse the body, purify the mind, and dissolve the blocks that keep the heart from opening. The breath invited the heart to soften, become spacious and receive the life-giving properties of Prana.”

~Anodea Judith

The chakras are associated with different body parts and organs and sometimes share these parts with other chakras. Anahata is associated with:

  • Heart

  • Lungs

  • Thymus gland (largest organ of the lymphatic system)

  • Breasts

  • Blood circulation 

  • Shoulders

  • Arms

  • Ribs

  • Diaphragm 

This chakra corresponds to your abilities in the following areas:

  • Coping skills

  • Compassion & forgiveness

  • Self worth 

  • Ego

  • Hope

  • Trust

  • Growth

  • Emotional balance

  • Flexibility in body, mind & spirit

  • To love & be loved

  • Respecting self and others

  • Relating to others

  • New ideas

Here are a few ways that an imbalanced (excessive and deficient) Anahata chakra presents in both physical and emotional symptoms:

  • Codependency 

  • Jealousy

  • Poor boundaries

  • Antisocial

  • Critical

  • Isolated

  • Fear of intimacy

  • Lack of empathy

  • People pleasing

  • Paranoia 

  • Anger

  • Heart issues 

  • Lung issues

  • Low or high blood pressure

There are many ways to work with healing, balancing, and supporting the chakras. You can use these for Anahata:

  • Color therapy ~ green

  • Crystal therapy ~ Jade, Rose Quartz, Peridot

  • Affirmation ~ I am open to give and receive love

  • Movement ~ Restorative Yoga

  • Meditation ~ Nidra 

  • Sound ~ 639 Hz

  • Foods ~ Green colored foods and Rose tea

  • Touch ~ Intimate

  • Chanting their seed sound “YAM”

So as you can see, this is a very important chakra to work with. An imbalance can affect many areas of your life. 

We are a community of humans, in this world together, all trying to do the best we can with what we have. Be open to giving and receiving love and watch your life change right in front of you.

Love is the highest vibration of the Universe and if you are unable to allow it to flow easily and frequently, you could potentially invite blockages throughout all of the other chakras.

If any of this information is interesting to you or if you are recognizing that some of the symptoms are disrupting your ability to experience joy in your life, please feel free to schedule a complimentary first call with me and see if I am the right person for you, to help bring balance and flow to your chakras through the modalities that I offer.

Thank you for being here, thank you for being a loyal WEHS Blog reader!


Chakra Series Blog Vishuddha


Chakra Series Blog Manipura